Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.

Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Decision-Making & Big Data (AI-X) Team

Advising on regulations and risk management. Measuring and mitigating unintended bias. Delivering peace of mind.


Regardless of the industry or customer base you serve, you likely use (or are considering using) artificial intelligence or algorithms to help make business decisions. As policymakers continue to address concerns about these tools — particularly their potential for producing unintended bias — organizations using algorithms may be exposed to regulatory, litigation and reputational risk. We combine the regulatory and litigation experience of attorneys who have advised clients on these issues for years with Tritura — Faegre Drinker's wholly owned subsidiary providing strategic, data-driven professional services to the firm's clients and beyond using AI, machine learning and other advanced technologies — whose data scientists understand the inner workings of these technologies and can test your algorithms for unintended bias. With this interdisciplinary approach, we help you understand the risks related to automated decision-making, respond to emerging laws and regulations, keep up with best practices, and leverage the value of AI and algorithms in a safe, legal, and ethical manner.

AI-X Team Leads

Areas of Focus

Faegre Drinker enables clients to leverage the power of AI and algorithms in a safe, legal and ethical manner. Click on the concentrations below to see how we facilitate the use of AI in important business considerations.
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Regulatory & Risk Management

Faegre Drinker stands at the forefront of rapidly developing AI laws, regulations, best practices and industry standards. Trusted by industry and regulators alike, our skilled interdisciplinary team advises the firm’s clients on the emerging legal and regulatory requirements governing the use of nascent AI technologies. We help navigate the complexities involved with harnessing the power of AI and automated decision making. Our team designs, builds and helps clients implement practical and tailored AI governance programs to foster responsible AI use in a manner that mitigates regulatory, litigation and reputational risks. We also leverage the robust data science experience of Faegre Drinker’s technology subsidiary, Tritura, to help clients test AI models for potential unfair discrimination.


Not only do we know the law, but we also know data and technology. Our technology subsidiary, Tritura, is a market leader that has the experience and technical know-how when it comes to the use of AI. With skilled data scientists and QuarterJack™, Tritura’s proprietary data analytics and AI platform, we leverage technology to efficiently and effectively resolve the complex commercial issues our clients face in a data-driven economy. Whether it’s testing AI models for algorithmic discrimination, migrating legacy data to a contract lifecycle management platform, or streamlining due diligence efforts in the M&A process, Tritura helps clients achieve better legal and business outcomes.

Policy, Advocacy & Consulting

Our federal policy and advocacy consulting team assists clients with their federal government affairs strategies, including designing and executing legislative and regulatory strategy. We have deep capabilities in digital health policy, including telehealth, and help clients across the health care sector navigate the digital health policy landscape. As AI emerges as the next revolution in industries including health care, the Faegre Drinker federal policy and advocacy consulting team is tracking and analyzing the federal government response. We are helping clients understand what Congress and the administration is thinking, and help clients influence policymaking and prepare for new regulatory environments.

Intellectual Property & Patents

Faegre Drinker has been working on AI-related patent applications for the last decade and currently devises patent strategies, provides opinions and guides patent prosecution work involving numerous aspects of AI. We have helped clients pursue patents focused on the next generation of AI models, including generative AI and large language models (LLMs), and we draft patent applications for inventions that include new AI models or incorporate existing AI models in new ways. We work on patent applications covering software platforms using AI models, medical devices using AI models, how such models are trained, and how the trained models are used to provide useful results. Our technical knowledge enables us to handle sophisticated matters for diverse technologies across a wide range of industries.

Intellectual Property & Tech Transactions

Data, machine learning (ML) and AI can be used to drive more informed decisions, create process improvements, target key customers, and discover and invent new and improved products and services. But many organizations fail to capitalize on the value of their large data sets, merely using their data for day-to-day business functions — often allowing service providers to harvest and benefit from their valuable data for free. We’re here to help you capture the value of your data. Our cross-disciplinary team of intellectual property, data strategy, privacy, cybersecurity and regulatory attorneys leverage years of experience to help you protect your data, understand the risks related to protecting and monetizing data, strike deals to facilitate data sharing/processing, and realize the strategic value of your assets. We do this by:

  • Helping you evaluate the benefits and risks of limiting use of your data to your internal users versus allowing vendors to improve tools or create new tools using your data that will benefit others (including, potentially, your competitors).
  • Drafting and negotiating agreements that delineate rights to use different types of data (identifiable, anonymized, etc.); rights to create de-identified and aggregated data; access and rights to usage data; rights to use data for purposes of training AI/ML tools, as well as ownership of and/or restrictions on use of the model parameters and other AI/ML learnings generated from your data; and rights to use your data to create derivative data products and/or benchmarking tools.
  • Identifying and reviewing terms applicable to third-party data sets, and in particular, to address how these data sets may be used with AI/ML-based technologies.
  • Assessing, and if appropriate modifying, internal and external privacy policies applicable to data you collect.
  • Advising on applicable laws that may potentially limit your use of collected data.
  • Structuring, drafting and negotiating IT agreements that include the provision, use or acquisition of AI/ML-based solutions.

In addition, we help you navigate the evolving regulatory landscape of Big Data by providing advice to help ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, industry practices and technology standards related to your data and your use of AI/ML-based technologies.


Labor & Employment

The use of AI for employment decisions is becoming more routine, and the government is paying attention. Selection procedures of any kind have long been regulated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other federal, state and local agencies, and a recent executive order issued by President Biden encourages their further involvement to ensure that the use of AI does not result in unlawful bias within the workplace. Our labor and employment team is an integral part of our AI-X team, and stays on top of the AI laws and regulations related to employment as they are issued, and is active in commenting on proposed laws and regulations. We also work with labor economists to test our clients’ proposed use of an AI product for bias, to help ensure that its use will not violate non-discrimination laws. 

Privacy & Cybersecurity

Faegre Drinker assists clients on compliance with privacy laws and regulations in their use of AI and machine learning. With significant experience handling information governance, data privacy, cybersecurity and other technology-driven matters, we keep clients current on the evolving regulatory landscape of AI and its impacts on their privacy obligations. We advise on emerging AI regulations, such as the EU AI Act and UK legislative proposals, and on how existing data privacy and security regulations impact our client’s use of AI. We counsel clients on data privacy and security issues, particularly on implementing data privacy impact assessments for AI technologies and implementing data ethics and algorithmic transparency reviews.


When it comes to the use of AI, insurers face a dynamic legal and regulatory environment, emerging technologies and a complex set of risks. In response, Faegre Drinker launched its algorithmic testing and AI governance and risk management service for insurers, fusing our deep bench of attorneys trusted by the insurance industry and regulators alike with the robust data science and technology capabilities of Tritura — powered by Tritura’s proprietary data analytics and AI platform, QuarterJack™.

Faegre Drinker’s AI-X team combines technical know-how with vast legal experience to help insurance clients effectively navigate the complex and shifting landscape. The team designs AI governance programs tailored to each client’s needs and provides comprehensive data science capabilities to test AI models for potential unfair discrimination. The interdisciplinary team of attorneys and data scientists helps businesses leverage the benefits of AI and Big Data in a way that thoughtfully mitigates regulatory, litigation and reputational risks. The team has:

  • Advised insurers, insurance trade associations and third-party vendors in connection with AI risk management/governance issues and emerging regulatory standards and expectations at the state, federal and international levels.
  • Helped insurance clients test AI models for unfair discrimination.
  • Regularly been called upon by insurance clients to brief the nation’s top insurance regulators on AI matters, including ways that insurers can employ risk management and governance to mitigate their regulatory, litigation and reputational risks.
  • Been recognized as a national leader in the AI/insurance regulatory space and regularly presents at industry conferences and private events.

Autonomous Vehicles

Our autonomous vehicle team tracks updates in legislation and regulation related to autonomous vehicles, including the necessary incorporation of AI. We present and publish on recent trends and issues facing this industry. We represent clients in litigation related to autonomous vehicles. And we address questions about whether AI can be to blame for accidents and mishaps. AI is central to the autonomous vehicle industry and the future of transport in our country. Our team will continue to operate at the forefront of these issues.


The international regulatory framework impacting artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is evolving at breakneck speed as countries grapple with the ethical, legal and societal implications of these powerful technologies and businesses seek to maximize the opportunities and manage the risks. Faegre Drinker’s AI-X team can help you adapt to new regulatory requirements, keeping you informed on emerging laws, regulatory guidance, industry standards and current market practice. We design and help clients implement risk management frameworks to mitigate exposure and adapt to new regulations — no matter where you are located or where you do business — and bridge connections across borders with the regulatory, data science, academic, consumer rights and industry leaders at the forefront of these issues. With the extra-territorial impact of sweeping regulations such as the EU AI Act, the Faegre Drinker AI-X team, a global network of legal and consulting professionals from across the United States and in London and Shanghai, prioritizes your interests so that you can leverage the power of AI while managing the business risks.


Insights & Events

Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Decision-Making Insights

Updates July 2024

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act Comes Into Force on 1 August 2024

4 min read  
Updates July 2024

Colorado’s 2024 Legislative Session Leads to Big Changes for Colorado Employers

11 min read  
Updates July 2024

Digital Health ‘From the Inside Out’ Leadership Series: The Power of Public Policy with Amazon Health

2 min read  
Media Mentions July 2024

Jay Brudz Offers Insight Into Use of AI in the Courtroom for Bloomberg Law

1 min read  
Media Mentions July 2024

Scott Kosnoff Provides Insight on Coming AI Regulations for Insurance News Net

1 min read  
Updates June 2024

International Elections Series: An EU Election Primer — Turn Right at Brussels

5 min read  
Blog Post June 2024

Promises and Perils: Guiding Principles for Employers Implementing Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

1 min read  
Updates June 2024

ATA Nexus 2024: The Next Chapter for Virtual Care

3 min read  
Media Mentions May 2024

Jim Frederick and Hannah Anderson Lay Out Potential AI Legislation For Fierce Healthcare

2 min read  
Blog Post May 2024

EU Artificial Intelligence Act – Legislation Adopted by the European Council

1 min read  
Updates May 2024

Bipartisan Senate Group Releases Long-Awaited ‘Roadmap’ for AI’s Legislation and Regulation

3 min read  
Published Articles May 2024

Colorado Legislature Passes New AI Regulation — What You Need to Know Right Now

7 min read  
Media Mentions May 2024

Shawn Swearingen Discusses New Partnership With Data Company Orgaimi in Law360

1 min read  
Updates May 2024

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: White House Issues AI Progress Report

6 min read  
Updates May 2024

Race Against the Clock: Federal Agencies Issue Their Six-Month Updates on AI Activities in Accordance With President Biden’s Executive Order on AI

4 min read  
Updates May 2024

State AG Updates: Data Privacy & Security; Artificial Intelligence; Predatory & Deceptive Real Estate Practices; Consumer Protection; Opioid Epidemic; and Federal Regulations

15 min read  
Media Mentions April 2024

Scott Kosnoff and Andy Taylor Talk to Minnesota Lawyer About Rapidly Evolving AI Regulation Developments

2 min read  
Published Articles April 2024

AI and Big Data: Why You May Not Want to Let Your SaaS Agreements Auto-Renew Anymore

1 min read  
Published Articles April 2024

How Companies Can Use Big Data As A Strategic Asset

1 min read  
Media Mentions April 2024

Scott Kosnoff Discusses the NAIC’s Model Bulletin on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems With InsuranceNewsNet

2 min read  
Blog Post April 2024

Can ChatGPT be Your ERISA Counsel?

Spotlight on Benefits blog
1 min read  
Updates March 2024

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: UN Unanimously Adopts Landmark AI Resolution

6 min read  
Published Articles March 2024

Using AI to Improve DEI Outcomes in the Workplace

1 min read  
Published Articles March 2024

AI Patenting Handbook

Intellectual Property Owners Association
1 min read  
Updates March 2024

FDA Publishes New Artificial Intelligence & Medical Products White Paper

3 min read  
Media Mentions March 2024

Sandra Grannum Discusses SEC Charging Investment Advisers Over AI Claims With FundFire

1 min read  
Updates March 2024

EU Artificial Intelligence Act — Final Form Legislation Endorsed by European Parliament

8 min read  
Updates March 2024

Life Sciences AI Summit: Industry Leaders Highlight Key Opportunities and Urge Caution as AI’s Prominence Grows

6 min read  
Updates February 2024

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: House Launches Bipartisan AI Task Force

7 min read  
Media Mentions February 2024

Scott Kosnoff Contributes to Lex Mundi Report on Implications of GenAI for Corporate Legal Management

1 min read  
Media Mentions February 2024

Chicago Lawyer Speaks to Jay Brudz and Lionel Weaver About the Impact of AI Regulations on Insurance Law

1 min read  
Published Articles February 2024

Was This Column Written by ChatGPT?

1 min read  
Updates January 2024

Fourth Quarter 2023 Government Contracts Policy and Regulatory Review

13 min read  
Updates January 2024

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: NYDFS Releases Proposed Circular on AI Use in Insurance Underwriting, Pricing

5 min read  
Media Mentions January 2024

Scott Kosnoff and Jay Brudz Share Guidance on AI Risk Management in Indiana Lawyer

2 min read  
Media Mentions December 2023

Minnesota Lawyer Speaks to AI-X Team Co-Leaders Jay Brudz and Scott Kosnoff About AI Regulations and the Team’s Services

2 min read  
Media Mentions December 2023

Life Annuity Specialist Highlights Faegre Drinker AI-X Team’s Risk Management Services for Insurers

1 min read  
Media Mentions December 2023

Nick Mathioudakis Discusses Venture Capital Funding in Artificial Intelligence with Indiana Lawyer

2 min read  
Blog Post December 2023

UK AI Regulation Bill Proposes New AI Regulator

Discerning Data blog
1 min read  
Published Articles December 2023

5 Steps for Health Care Companies After Biden’s AI Order

1 min read  
Blog Post December 2023

EU AI Act Agreed

Discerning Data blog
1 min read  
Updates December 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: NAIC Adopts AI Model Bulletin

5 min read  
Media Mentions November 2023

Jonathon Gunn Comments on UK’s National Security & Investment Act With IFLR

1 min read  
Blog Post November 2023

Recap: 2023 ANA Annual Advertising and Marketing Law Conference

TCAM Today Blog
1 min read  
Blog Post November 2023

Bletchley Park AI Safety Summit 2023

Discerning Data Blog
1 min read  
Updates October 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: Sweeping EO “Establishes New Standards for AI Safety and Security”

6 min read  
Media Mentions October 2023

Scott Kosnoff Addresses State AI Rules for Insurance With ThinkAdvisor

1 min read  
Media Mentions October 2023

Jeffrey Ganiban Comments on Health Care Organizations Utilizing AI With Business Insurance

1 min read  
Media Mentions September 2023

Scott Kosnoff Discusses Colorado’s New Data Regulations With ThinkAdvisor

1 min read  
Published Articles September 2023

4 Ways to Approach the Nuances of AI Vendor Contracts

1 min read  
Updates September 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: AI Insight Forum Underway

5 min read  
Media Mentions September 2023

Scott Kosnoff Comments on Colorado Life Insurance AI Regulation With ThinkAdvisor

1 min read  
Updates September 2023

2023 Legislative and Regulatory Developments Affecting Autonomous Vehicles

20 min read  
Media Mentions September 2023

Erika Collins Addresses Employment Discrimination With HR Legal & Compliance Excellence

1 min read  
Updates August 2023

No Robot Bosses! Congress Takes on Employers’ Use of Artificial Intelligence

5 min read  
Updates August 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: SEC Cracks Down on Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisors Using Predictive Data Analytics

8 min read  
Updates August 2023

Keeping Pace With IP Law as it Evolves on Generative AI

4 min read  
Published Articles August 2023

Fast-Evolving Copyright and Patent Law on Generative AI

1 min read  
Media Mentions August 2023

Erika Collins Discusses Use of AI in Hiring With International Employment Lawyer

1 min read  
Published Articles August 2023

AI Programs Used by Employers May Lead to Title VII Discrimination Claims

1 min read  
Blog Post August 2023

Investors Versus Machines: The SEC Cracks Down on AI, Robo-Advisors and Potential Conflicts of Interest

1 min read  
Updates August 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: NAIC Lays Out Regulatory Guidance in 10-Page Bulletin

4 min read  
Published Articles July 2023

ChatGPT Can’t Predict the Future of Antitrust and AI (Yet)

1 min read  
Updates July 2023

State AG Updates: Oregon, Connecticut, California, New York and Multistate Coalitions

6 min read  
Updates June 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: EU Parliament Approves AI Act

4 min read  
Updates June 2023

Artificial Intelligence: EEOC Addresses Employer Liability When Using AI in Selection Procedures

3 min read  
Updates June 2023

2023 NFI Insurance Public Policy Summit Highlights “Balancing Act”

10 min read  
Updates May 2023

Is Your Organization ChatGPT Ready?

4 min read  
Updates May 2023

The AI Act Progresses Ahead With Approval of Key European Parliament Committees

3 min read  
Media Mentions April 2023

Scott Kosnoff Discusses Artificial Intelligence Regulation With Life Annuity Specialist

2 min read  
Media Mentions April 2023

Scott Kosnoff Comments on Colorado's Life Insurance Draft Bill With Legaltech News

1 min read  
Published Articles April 2023

Generative AI Brings a New Generation of Legal Issues

1 min read  
Updates April 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Ready to Enforce Regulation of Automated Employment Decision Tools

6 min read  
Blog Post April 2023

The UK’s New AI Proposals

1 min read  
Updates March 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: Senate Committee Hears Testimony on Algorithmic Transparency, Accountability

7 min read  
Blog Post March 2023

Copyrightability of AI-Generated Works

1 min read  
Updates February 2023

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: NIST Releases AI Risk Management Framework and Playbook

5 min read  
Updates December 2022

New York Artificial Intelligence Employment Law Delayed

2 min read  
Updates December 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: D.C. Hits Pause on Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2021

3 min read  
Updates December 2022

AI Regulation in the U.K. — New Government Approach

4 min read  
Media Mentions October 2022

P&C Specialist Turns to Scott Kosnoff for Insight on AI and Algorithmic Decision-Making Tools in the Insurance Industry

2 min read  
Blog Post October 2022

Responsible AI: Managing Risk in an Evolving Regulatory and Legal Landscape

1 min read  
Updates September 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: FTC Holds Forum on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security

6 min read  
Blog Post September 2022

NIST Releases New Draft of Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework for Comment

1 min read  
Updates August 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: FTC to Address Commercial Surveillance and Data Security

5 min read  
Updates August 2022

Insurers’ Use of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges

3 min read  
Media Mentions July 2022

Scott Kosnoff Speaks With Legaltech News About Proposed Artificial Intelligence Regulations

2 min read  
Updates June 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: Feds Take Aim at Algorithmic Bias

7 min read  
Updates June 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: CFPB Weighs in on Algorithmic Transparency

4 min read  
Media Mentions June 2022

The American Lawyer Speaks to Scott Kosnoff and Bennett Borden About Launching the Firm’s AI-X Team

2 min read  
Media Mentions May 2022

Indianapolis Business Journal Talks to Scott Kosnoff About Artificial Intelligence and the Firm’s AI-X Team

1 min read  
Media Mentions May 2022

Indiana Lawyer Profiles Faegre Drinker’s AI-X Team

2 min read  
Updates May 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: Agencies Release Guidance on Employer Use of AI Systems

6 min read  
Updates May 2022

EEOC, DOJ: Using AI Technology in Employment-Related Decisions May Violate ADA

7 min read  
Media Mentions May 2022

Elsa Bullard and Kate Middleton Speak to Minnesota Lawyer About Recently Launched AI-X Team

2 min read  
Updates April 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: Self-Regulation and Tackling Algorithmic Bias

3 min read  
Updates March 2022

AI and Employment: Tracking California’s Proposed Regulations on Employers and Automated Decision-Making

4 min read  
Updates March 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: CFPB, NIST Take Aim at AI Issues

4 min read  
Updates March 2022

Artificial Intelligence Briefing: Feds Tackle AI Issues

4 min read  
Published Articles February 2022

Protecting Inventions Relating to Artificial Intelligence: Best Practices

1 min read  

Previous AI-X Events

Speaking Engagement Recap June 18, 2024

Generative AI: Navigating the Legal and Risk Landscape

1 min read  
Recorded Webinar June 12, 2024 CLE

AI in Global Health Care: Cross-Border Governance Strategies and Insights - Webinar

International Business Briefing
2 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 22, 2024

Legal Implication of AI in Total Rewards - Webinar

North Texas Compensation Association May Virtual Meeting
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 17, 2024

Top Issues in Contracting That Use AI Tools

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 16, 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 02, 2024

AI and its Evolving Role in Law - New York, NY

World Law Group regional New York '24
1 min read  
Recorded Webinar April 30, 2024 CLE

AI and Employment: International Developments and Practical Steps for Navigating Regulation and Risk - Webinar

International Business Briefing
2 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap April 16, 2024

2024 Global Insurance Symposium (GIS)

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap April 04, 2024

Life in the Gray Area - Product Liability Issues Surrounding Artificial Intelligence

PLAC Spring Conference 2024
1 min read  
Recorded Webinar March 28, 2024 CLE

Artificial Intelligence – Navigating the Global Regulatory Patchwork - Webinar

International Business Briefing
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap February 28, 2024

AI Regulation and Risk Management Strategies - Orlando, FL

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap February 28, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance and Discrimination Testing: Perspectives from a Lawyer and Data Scientist - Webinar

Association of Insurance Compliance Professionals (AICP)
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap February 27, 2024

LICONY Unique New York Webinar - Webinar

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Insurance
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap January 24, 2024

C-Suite Depositions, Slack/Teams Messaging in Litigation and AI in Design Thinking

1 min read  
Recorded Webinar December 13, 2023 CLE

AI and Bias in Hiring Promotion Practices - Webinar

Labor & Employment Series: Staying on Top of Your Game
2 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap November 15, 2023

Copyrightability of AI-Generated Works

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap November 11, 2023

Unleashing Generative AI: Exploring Patent, Copyright & Trade Secret Risks & Opportunities

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap October 02, 2023

AI Regulation and Risk Management

Life Insurance Direct Marketing Association (LIDMA) 2023 Conference
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap September 13, 2023

Regulating the AI Revolution - Chicago, IL

Generative AI in Insurance: Exploring Possibilities, Navigating Risks & Showcasing Innovative Solutions
1 min read  
Recorded Webinar March 29, 2023 CLE

International Privacy, AI and Data Regulation Roundup - Webinar

International Business Briefing
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 23, 2022

ALIC 2022 Annual Meeting - Palm Beach, FL

AI and Regulation – Regulatory Update and Impact on Life Insurance
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 19, 2022

2022 IRI Annual Conference - Washington, DC

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 04, 2022

MedTech Forum 2022

2 min read  
Recorded Webinar April 27, 2022 CLE

AI, Algorithms & Unintended Bias: Understanding and Responding to Emerging Regulations on Automated Decision-Making - Webinar

2 min read  
Recorded Webinar November 15, 2021

Digital Health Insights with Faegre Drinker - Webinar

4 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap October 26, 2021

InsurTech Issues in the Life Insurance Industry: AI Regulation and Underwriting Restriction Trends - Webinar

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap September 20, 2021

Intellectual Property Owners Association’s 2021 Annual Meeting - Austin, TX

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap May 18, 2021

Reinsurance Association of America 2021 Re Basics Seminar - Webinar

Hot Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Reinsurance
1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap April 15, 2021

Exploring the Boundaries of Statutory Subject Matter - Webinar

1 min read  
Speaking Engagement Recap March 31, 2021

“Coded Bias” — NAIC Screening and Discussion - Webinar

1 min read  
Recorded Webinar February 05, 2021

A Conversation on Race and Insurance - Webinar

1 min read  
Recorded Webinar September 01, 2020 CLE

Artificial Intelligence in Insurance: Regulatory Update and Trends

2 min read  
Recorded Webinar January 29, 2020

AI: Potential Impacts of AI on Patent and IP Law

1 min read  
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