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May 1, 2017

Suit Shopping: Deceptive Pricing Class Actions Persist

By Kate Gold, Kathryn Deal, Meredith Slawe, Kate Villanueva, Dan Brewer and Ashley Super

Partners Kate Gold, Kathryn Deal, Meredith Slawe and Kate Villanueva, along with associates Dan Brewer and Ashley Super, authored “Suit Shopping: Deceptive Pricing Class Actions Persist” for the California Retailers Association’s Golden State Report.

Recent years have seen a considerable increase in deceptive pricing litigation, with plaintiffs’ attorneys turning to untried theories to help advance their cases. As a result, retailers are facing more high-risk class action suits that could lead to significant exposure, reputational damage, and considerable litigation costs. The article details two potential sources of suits—compare-at pricing and shipping charges—and how courts and agencies have thus far responded to such matters.

Read “Suit Shopping: Deceptive Pricing Class Actions Persist.”

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