Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.


Our mission is to help you fulfill yours. We help nonprofit organizations preserve their distinct tax advantages so that executives and governing boards can focus on advancing organizational goals. We advise on governance, funding and financing matters and support you in operating efficiently, effectively and legally within a complex tax and regulatory environment. When your mission crosses international borders, our team helps you develop and implement grant-making programs and charitable, educational and religious operations outside the U.S. Our nonprofit attorneys dedicate their practices exclusively to advising nonprofits — including public charities, private foundations, colleges and universities, religious organizations, fraternities and sororities, health care organizations, trade associations and many others.

We advise nonprofits on:

  • Entity formation
  • Tax exemptions
  • Corporate governance
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Public reporting
  • Fundraising and charitable giving
  • Tax-exempt bond issuance

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