January 05, 2024

Fred Reish Discusses DOL Reviewing Fiduciary Rule Comments With ThinkAdvisor

Benefits and executive compensation partner Fred Reish spoke to ThinkAdvisor about the Department of Labor’s (DOL) review and analysis of over 19,000 submissions that it received on its new fiduciary rule proposal.

Reish said he expects the final regulation and prohibited transaction exemptions to be sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in early to mid-April. “Then, the OMB will approve and release the rules for publication in the Federal Register in early June,” he added.

“The rules will become effective 60 days after publication but may have a delayed applicability date,” Reish explained. “There is a good chance it will be a month or two slower” than this timeline, he concluded.

The full article is available for ThinkAdvisor subscribers.

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