October 16, 2023

Roth and Found: Understanding Roth Provisions in SECURE 2.0

Plan Consultant

In an article for Plan Consultant, the magazine of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries, benefits and executive compensation partner Fred Reish discusses the Roth provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act.

Reish noted that SECURE 2.0 is a complex piece of legislation with an assortment of mandatory and optional provisions. He further explained the application of the rules and insights into areas where regulatory guidance is needed.

“In all likelihood, it will take years before all recordkeepers and payroll providers are fully prepared to administer and report on these changes,” Reish concluded. “Beyond that, it adds to the burdens of plan sponsors to educate their participating employees on these new features. However, over time, these changes will be fully integrated into our practices.”

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