Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
April 19, 2018

Marijuana in the Golden State: California Lawmakers Seek to Protect Medical-Marijuana Users in the Workplace

Philadelphia partner Dave Woolf and San Francisco senior attorney Jaime Walter wrote a blog post for LaborSphere titled “Marijuana in the Golden State: California Lawmakers Seek to Protect Medical-Marijuana Users in the Workplace.” Assembly Bill 2069 would amend the California Fair Employment and Housing Act by “prohibit[ing] an employer from engaging in employment discrimination against a person on the basis of his or her status as, or positive drug test for cannabis by, a qualified patient or person with an identification card.”

Dave and Jaime discuss critical questions the bill raises, as well as what employers should do if the bill passes.

Read “Marijuana in the Golden State.”

Full Article

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