
With a rich pedigree in the insurance industry, a firm grasp of current dynamics, and an understanding of underlying claims and coverage issues, Faegre Drinker is one of the industry’s “go-to” firms for reinsurance transactions, regulatory matters, analysis of reinsurance agreements and placements, security issues, counseling, dispute resolution and insolvency issues. Our team of more than 25 professionals represents cedents, reinsurers, retrocessionaires, managing general agents, intermediaries, and buyers and sellers of insurance and reinsurance businesses in a broad range of matters. Our reach is global, as we enjoy relationships with some of the world’s leading reinsurers.

We help clients structure their transactions to meet business objectives and secure necessary regulatory approvals. We also help clients analyze coverage terms and avoid disputes before they develop. In the event of a dispute, we endeavor to reach quick resolutions, saving clients time and unnecessary expense. We are accustomed to prevailing in litigation and arbitration as well. Embodying a collaborative culture that extends firmwide, we work across service areas with colleagues focused on governance and transactional issues, regulatory requirements, coverage, and best practices to assist clients with all of their reinsurance issues.

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