April 07, 2021

Fred Reish Summarizes Expected SECURE Act 2.0 Provisions for Bloomberg Law

In the Bloomberg Law article “Look for Auto-Enroll, Student Loan Provisions in Retirement Bill,” benefits and executive compensation partner Fred Reish outlined expectations regarding key provisions of the SECURE Act 2.0.

According to the publication, the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020 is expected to form the framework for a new package called the SECURE Act 2.0. Reish said, “The SECURE Act 2.0 takes up where part one left off.”

The five provisions Reish expects in a SECURE Act 2.0 package include:

  1. Auto-enrollment
  2. Required minimum distributions
  3. Saver’s credit simplification
  4. Student loan help
  5. Lost and found database
Full Article

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