October 28, 2021

Libby Baney Speaks to World Trademark Review About Combatting Illegal Online Pharmacies

In an interview with World Trademark Review, government and regulatory affairs partner Libby Baney, who is also senior advisor to the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global), discussed the organization’s efforts to combat illegal online drug sales.

First, the publication shared results from an ASOP Global Foundation poll on U.S. consumers’ perceptions and use of online pharmacies. Baney then identified potential motivations for purchasing medicines online, including trust, cost, convenience and access to care.

Next, Baney highlighted legislation as the key to combatting the online sales of fake drugs. She also mentioned policies that ASOP Global has been focusing on, such as the registry and registrar environment. Baney noted that the organization “is looking forward to the introduction of legislation to require domain name registries and registrars to lock illegal drug domains,” which is expected soon.

In conclusion, Baney addressed the robust policy and legislation she hopes to see. “There is a better recognition in policymaker communities about how the internet impacts the lives of consumers. Translating that into policy is a challenge, but we have a real opportunity to move policy,” she stated.

The full article is available for World Trademark Review subscribers.

Full Article

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