October 28, 2020

Default, Bankruptcies and Muni Workouts


New York partner Laura Appleby will participate in a panel presentation titled “Default, Bankruptcies and Muni Workouts” during the California Public Finance 2020 conference hosted by The Bond Buyer.

With defaults and impairments of municipal issuers on the rise, the panel will discuss how the industry communicates with a broader, national audience of investors to show that many issuers can weather this storm. In addition to Laura, participants will include moderator Ksenia Koban, Vice President & Municipal Strategist, Payden & Rygel; Karol Denniston, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs; and Lisa Washburn, Managing Director, Municipal Market Analytics.

A four-day event, the California Public Finance 2020 conference will bring the top minds of the industry together to discuss the tools and strategies needed to stay resilient during these unprecedented times. As 2020 continues to produce unforeseen challenges, the municipal finance community is facing its most significant crisis to date. Looking towards recovery is key, but persevering through the current climate takes priority.

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