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March 1, 2017

The Lowdown: A retirement plan committee road map

By Summer Conley and Michael Rosenbaum

Los Angeles partner Summer Conley and Chicago partner Michael Rosenbaum authored an article for PLANSPONSOR titled, “The Lowdown: A retirement plan committee road map.” The article is part of a series of articles detailing ERISA fiduciary responsibilities for retirement plan committee members. They discussed when a retirement plan committee should meet and what it should be doing at these meetings.

Summer and Michael state that committees should meet quarterly and, as a starting point at every meeting, review the prior meeting’s minutes, any action items that had been called for, and any new matters. They also note that the committee should review the plan’s investment option lineup, and develop an annual work plan outlining specifically what the committee will do at each of the different meetings to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

Read “The Lowdown.”

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