Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
February 07, 2013

Drinker Biddle, Lawyers Ranked in World Trademark Review 1000

The firm’s Intellectual Property Practice Group featured in the World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000) for 2013.

The WTR 100, a British publication, is comprised of in-depth jurisdiction-specific chapters that analyze the local market and identify leading practitioners and firms. Over a four-month period, analysts conducted more than 1,300 interviews with trademark specialists in more than 60 key jurisdictions. Interviewees’ opinions were specifically sought on the firms and practitioners that are leading the field in terms of their work, their skills and their levels of client service.

All individuals named on the list were included because the World Trademark Review received substantial positive feedback about them.

Drinker Biddle’s Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and Chicago practices were all rated, as well as individual lawyers.

The Philadelphia office was rated in the Pennsylvania listings, with a special mention for Greg Lavorgna:

“Intellectual property is a central plank at full service firm Drinker Biddle & Reath. The esteemed trademark division’s business-conscious tactics and advice on contentious and non-contentious assignments are greatly valued by a loyal and appreciative clientele. Among the “extremely knowledgeable, highly skilled and pragmatic” team is key contact Gregory Lavorgna.”

The Washington, D.C., office was rated Bronze in the D.C. Metro area for “Prosecution and Strategy;” Jennifer Dean and Norm St Landau were singled out:

“Clients are effusive in their praise of the “incomparably good” service tendered by Drinker Biddle & Reath. Trademarks head Jennifer Dean oversees a “proactive, extremely knowledgeable and timing-sensitive” group. She handles prosecution and portfolio management assignments for a client base which has insurance companies and grocery chains at its core. Also applauded is “alert, friendly and pragmatic” Norm St Landau. He “brings his considerable experience to bear to obtain favourable results” in his counseling and marketing-focused practice.”

The Chicago IP practice was also rated Bronze, with Darren Cahr named specifically:

“Longstanding full service operation Drinker Biddle & Reath is home to a sterling collection of IP-dedicated practitioners. Sixteen “extremely knowledgeable, highly skilled and pragmatic” attorneys handle multifaceted assignments, including large-scale prosecution and monetisation of brands, with finesse. “Thorough, smart and fast” partner Darren Cahr delivers invaluable counsel to market leaders in apparel, aerospace and manufacturing, among others.”

To read more about the WTR 1000, click here.


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