January 03, 2020

Larry Del Rossi Talks to Law360 About What Comes After Landmark SCOTUS Decision in Bostock v. Clayton County

In Law360’s article titled “Bostock’s Been On The Books For 6 Months. What’s Next?” labor and employment partner Larry Del Rossi discussed what comes next for the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 15 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County and how it may be applied to cases concerning issues such as religious liberty, bathroom access and pronoun use in 2021 and beyond.

According to the publication, the Supreme Court determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act’s ban on sex discrimination prohibits mistreating workers because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, six months after the ruling, courts have just started to map out the legal contours of the mandate.

“You’re not going to see the real impact of Bostock until the end of 2021, 2022 or 2023,” said Del Rossi. “It takes time, and you’re going to see all of the evolutions.”

Del Rossi further stated that cases related to bathroom access would keep coming. He added that we would continue to see litigation related to “allowing individuals the right to use restrooms and other locations that correspond to their gender identity.”

The full article is available for Law360 subscribers.

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