British Airways Faces Significantly Reduced Fine for GDPR Breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Report
London intellectual property partner Huw Beverley-Smith, associate Charlotte Perowne and trainee solicitor Fred Kelleher’s client alert, “British Airways Faces Significantly Reduced £20M Fine for GDPR Breach,” was published in the Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Report.
In the article, the authors provide background on the fine imposed on British Airways for its infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due to a customer data breach that occurred between June and September 2018. At £20 million, it’s the biggest fine of its kind in the history of the U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
The authors address how the process by which the reduced figure was reached provides some interesting insights on the factors that regulators take into account and is a clear sign that despite the current economic climate, the ICO is not afraid to enforce strict GDPR compliance.