May 26, 2017

Minnesota Weekly Legislative Update: Budget Bills Adopted During Special Session

The Legislature adjourned the Special Session early the morning of Friday, May 26, after adopting spending bills, a tax bill and a bonding bill.

Governor Mark Dayton and Republican legislative leaders spent the final weeks of the Regular Session negotiating the budget. With less than two weeks until adjournment, the Republican legislature sent their budget and tax bills to the Governor, which he promptly vetoed.

Following the vetoes, negotiations resumed and an agreement was reached on the final evening of the Regular Session. Before adjourning, the legislature sent five budget bills to the Governor: Agriculture, Higher Education, Jobs & Economic Development, Environment and Public Safety.

The Governor called a Special Session of the Legislature for May 23 at 12:01 a.m., immediately after the Regular Session adjourned. Between Tuesday and this morning, final details of the bills were negotiated and the remaining budget bills, tax bill and bonding bill were adopted and sent to the Governor.

Governor Dayton has 14 days from the day each bill is delivered to him to take action on the bills adopted during the Special Session. The Governor can sign bills, veto bills or let bills become law without his signature. The Governor also has line-item veto authority regarding appropriations in the bills.