August 18, 2010

Baker & Daniels Offers Space and Staff for Pro Bono Mediations

As a way to help judges and parties in paternity court in Marion County, Baker & Daniels offered conference rooms and support staff for a day of pro bono mediation in its offices, Indiana Lawyer reported in its story, "Baker & Daniels Hosts Pro Bono Mediations."

Organized by the Indianapolis Bar Association ADR and pro bono committees, the event was hosted August 3 by Baker & Daniels' downtown Indianapolis office, according to the story. Brita Horvath and Andrew Campbell, co-chairs of the pro bono section who both work at Baker & Daniels, offered the space when asked by ADR committee leaders, according to the story.

While Marion County does offer a modest means mediation program for family law cases, which has a sliding scale for parties that can be as low as $10, organizers noted this program was free for the parties. They also said that by having the space at Baker & Daniels - five conference rooms, plus an extra room with a small table and a phone if anyone wanted to take a break to meet with or call an attorney, not to mention access to support staff - was a huge help, the Indiana Lawyer story reported.