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July 20, 2017

Courts Rein In TCPA “Revocation of Consent” Claims

By Michael P. Daly and Daniel E. Brewer

Philadelphia partner Michael Daly and associate Daniel Brewer authored “Courts Rein In TCPA ‘Revocation of Consent’ Claims” for Law360.

Ever since the FCC stated in July 2015 that consumers can revoke their consent to automated calls through “any reasonable method,” businesses have found themselves struggling to comply with that directive, and plaintiffs have found themselves with yet another “gotcha” claim to assert. The TCPA Team’s latest article for Law360 explores how a number of courts have started to push back on such claims, for example because the purported attempt to revoke consent was not “reasonable,” or because consent had been provided in a bilateral contract and therefore could not be unilaterally revoked.

Read “Courts Rein In TCPA ‘Revocation of Consent’ Claims.”

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