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March 31, 2017

Bonnie Barnett and Leigh Bausinger Author Award-Winning Paper on CERCLA Challenges

Philadelphia partner Bonnie Barnett and associate Leigh Bausinger authored a paper for the ABA’s Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources’ 46th Spring Conference titled, “EPA’s Eleven CERCLA Principles 2.0: Paradigm Shift or Old Wine in a New Bottle?”.

The paper examines how complex CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) sediment “mega-sites” present a set of challenges for regulators and the regulated community, and how the EPA has attempted to address some of these challenges through newly issued guidance documents. Bonnie and Leigh’s work was recognized by the ABA with the conference’s Best Paper Award on Friday, March 31.

In addition to co-authoring the award-winning paper, Bonnie spoke on a panel at the SEER Conference titled “Superfund Mega-Sites – Surviving the New Paradigm.”

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