Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
April 01, 2021

Faegre Drinker Announces 2021 Board Elections

Faegre Drinker is pleased to announce that partners Bonnie Barnett, Morgan Burns, John D’Andrea and Joseph Smith have been elected to four-year terms as members of the Board. These positions took effect on April 1, 2021.

Barnett is coleader of the firm’s environmental and energy practice and is a government and regulatory affairs partner in the firm’s Philadelphia office. She defends clients in large-scale environmental disputes and helps protect them with advice on regulatory compliance and on the environmental implications of business and real estate transactions.

Burns is a corporate partner in the firm’s Minneapolis office. He is a trusted adviser to public and private companies, their boards of directors and investment banks on a wide range of strategic matters, including mergers and acquisitions, capital markets transactions, and corporate governance.

D’Andrea is a health care partner in the firm’s Philadelphia office and is responsible for lateral partner growth across the firm. He represents many of the largest health care institutions in the country in a broad range of transactional and regulatory matters.

Smith is a government and regulatory affairs partner in the firm’s Indianapolis office. He advises clients, drafts legislation and lobbies for laws that can improve life for businesses, families and individuals in the Indianapolis community and throughout the state of Indiana.

The four partners have joined the 12 board members whose terms continue: Kerry Bundy, Gretchen Miller Busch, Mary Devlin Capizzi, Tracy Ferak, Sandra Grannum, Michael Kanute, Gina Kastel, Marc Leaf, Sarah Millar, Heather Perkins, Doug Raymond, and Amy Seidel. Tom Froehle and Andrew Kassner, as co-chairs of the firm, continue as ex officio members of the Board.

The Faegre Drinker Board is elected by a vote of the partners and is responsible for setting the firm’s policies and strategy.