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July 17, 2018

Ken Dort Discusses the Impact of the NotPetya Cyberattack in Part B News

Chicago partner Ken Dort was quoted in a Part B News article titled “NotPetya Computer Hack a Warning to Get Serious About IT Security.” The article offered experts’ advice to tighten computer security as a new computer hack has hit health care facilities. In June 2017, a foreign-born computer malware attacked the systems of several U.S. companies, including Princeton Community Hospital in Princeton, W.Va., and Heritage Valley Health System in Beaver, Pa.

Ken described the differences between NotPetya and WannaCry, the ransomware that attacked health care facilities in the United States in May 2017. He agreed with industry experts who spoke about the threat of ransomware on the rise and how businesses can no longer ignore it. Additionally, Ken offered his advice when it comes to isolating data with backup systems, which should be isolated to the greatest extent possible. Ken added that backup systems should be “set up in a defensive posture — that is, backup that continually replicates and is stored separately from your live system. If it’s connected to the live system, its value as a backup goes away. If the contamination gets into the backup, what’s the point?”