Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
October 20, 2016

Education Law Center Honors Drinker Biddle for Pro Bono Work

Drinker Biddle attorneys were honored for their pro bono work at the Education Law Center’s (ELC) annual celebration on September 29, 2016.

The ELC’s Pro Bono Award was presented to Paul Saint-Antoine and Chanda Miller for their dedication of countless pro bono hours to help clients facing illegal barriers to education.

Paul and Chanda, with assistance from Lucas Michelen and Ginene Lewis, teamed up with the ELC and the Public Interest Law Center to file a lawsuit against the School District of Philadelphia. The suit alleges that the School District refuses to provide the necessary interpretation and translation services to parents of students with disabilities who have limited English proficiency, therefore hindering the parents’ ability to participate in meetings and make informed decisions regarding educational placements and services. The School District’s motion to dismiss is currently pending.

The ELC’s mission is to ensure access to a quality public education for all children in Pennsylvania by advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable students — children living in poverty, children of color, children in the foster care and juvenile justice systems, children with disabilities, English Language Learners, LGBTQ students, and children experiencing homelessness.

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