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May 21, 2013

Bob Stoll Quoted in World Intellectual Property Review

Washington DC partner Bob Stoll was quoted in a WIPR (World Intellectual Property Review) article on May 21. The article, titled “Microsoft backs clearer US patent records” discusses the introduction of the EAP (End Anonymous Patents) Act, which will force patent owners to reveal their identity shortly after their patent is granted or transferred, removing their ability to remain anonymous.

Bob stated that the act has a good chance of being approved due to the support from Ted Deutch, a US representative for Florida’s 21st congressional district and Patrick Leahy, a senior Senator from Vermont, both of whom are influential politicians in the IP arena.

“Microsoft will not be alone in this [support for the bill]. I expect IBM and other big companies to support it. This will have very strong support.”

To read the full article, please click here.

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