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January 3, 2013

Bob Stoll Quoted in IP Watchdog on His Patent and Innovation Wishes For 2013

Washington, D.C., partner Bob Stoll was quoted in IP Watchdog – an online magazine focusing on the news and business of intellectual property.

In the article, elite members of the patent and innovation community shared their patent and innovation Wishes for 2013.

Bob said he hoped decision makers would realize that limiting patent-eligible subject matter in the areas of software, diagnostic methods, personalized medicine and isolated sequences harms the U.S. economy in the nation’s leading industries. He said the focus instead should be on improving patent quality so that overly broad patents do not issue.

He said he wishes the United States could harmonize its patent processes worldwide to eliminate duplicative efforts so that only one comprehensive search and examination that accurately determines patentability is required. He also wished the system could be more user-friendly, while providing a fair outcome.

Finally, he said, “I also wish that we could find ways to get our inventors the “rock star” status they deserve in our society. That would help encourage all kids to aspire to invent and productively focus the next generation to find even more ways to improve the human condition.”

To read the entire article, click here.



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