Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
April 29, 2009

Gegelman and Lee Serve as Panelists at National Phased-Retirement Webinar

Randy Gegelman and Cynthia Lee served as panelists at the April 29 Institute of Management and Administration (IOMA) webinar—Phased Retirement: Maximizing Retention and Talent.

The webinar covered a variety of best practices related to phased-retirement plan design. Among these, panelists discussed regulatory and legal issues associated with phased retirement—and explained how health insurance, life insurance and disability coverage may be affected by implementation of these programs.

Gegelman leads the Faegre & Benson employee benefits executive compensation practice. Lee, also an attorney in that practice, works primarily with retirement plan arrangements and health and welfare arrangements, respectively.

IOMA provides business management information for experienced senior and middle management professionals.