January 22, 2008
FTC Comment Periods on Carbon Offsets and Green Guides End Soon
The Environmental Practice Group reminds our clients and friends that the comment period for the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Jan. 8 workshop on carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates will close on Jan. 25.
Clients and friends should also be aware that the comment period for FTC’s Green Guides (i.e., FTC’s environmental marketing guidelines) will close on Feb. 11. The Green Guides were last updated in 1998 and outline general rules for environmental marketing claims and provide specific markers for claims of degradability, compostability, recyclability, recycled content and ozone safety.
For more information on the FTC workshop and/or the FTC Green Guides, please contact Bonnie Barnett, Howard Morse or Dan Reilly.
Clients and friends should also be aware that the comment period for FTC’s Green Guides (i.e., FTC’s environmental marketing guidelines) will close on Feb. 11. The Green Guides were last updated in 1998 and outline general rules for environmental marketing claims and provide specific markers for claims of degradability, compostability, recyclability, recycled content and ozone safety.
For more information on the FTC workshop and/or the FTC Green Guides, please contact Bonnie Barnett, Howard Morse or Dan Reilly.