November 2019

Family Health Clinic Defends Medical Malpractice Case

North America - United States | North America | United States - Colorado

A former physician at a family health clinic faced a medical malpractice action. Our firm’s clients – the clinic and one of its current physicians – each received a non-party subpoena from the plaintiffs’ counsel to appear to testify in the District Court of Colorado before Judge Crews at an evidentiary hearing in the proceeding. Our firm successfully moved to quash the subpoena directed at the clinic’s physician after briefing and oral argument. As part of his decision, Judge Crews fully signed on to our position that the clinic’s physician’s testimony was not relevant to the evidentiary hearing and that it would be an undue burden to force the doctor to appear. We later represented a corporate representative for the clinic who voluntarily agreed to testify at the same hearing. Because of our firm’s vigorous advocacy at the evidentiary hearing, including repeated objections to plaintiffs’ counsel’s improper questioning of the witness, we were able to successfully negotiate with the plaintiffs’ counsel to withdraw their motion.