September 2018

Company Resolves Investigation by Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) Directorate

Investigators with the federal government’s Fraud Detection & National Security (FDNS) Directorate contacted a firm client with information concerning potential tampering with a letter the company had provided for an IT consultant’s work visa application. Leveraging experience on matters being investigated by FDNS, our firm acted as a liaison in for the client in this matter.

At issue was whether the letter — written by a senior technology manager of the company and addressing many specifics involving an IT subcontractor — had been altered by someone after it had been issued. FDNS investigators, who work with the Department of Homeland Security USCIS agency, and who collaborate with Department of State and U.S. Embassy staff, have identified many cases where U.S. company letterhead, logos, electronic signatures and signature blocks are used without permission, and in many cases material information in the letters has been altered.

In this and one other FDNS matter brought to the attention of this company in 2018, the investigations confirmed that no tampering had occurred, resulting in the issuance of the H-1B work visas for the third-party IT consultants. However, in past cases, including with this company, FDNS has confirmed where tampering, logo and signature block theft, and other types of fraud have occurred. The immigration and global mobility team collaborates with federal investigators and corporate clients to ensure integrity in the U.S. work visa process.