May 2018

Immigration Team Develops Interactive I-9 and Immigration Compliance Training Tools for Large Staffing Agency

North America - United States | North America | United States - Colorado

A large temporary worker staffing agency based in Colorado has partnered with our firm's immigration lawyers to conduct internal auditing for several years. This partnership has included drafting policies and internal protocol to enhance I-9 and overall employment law compliance, with annual on-site training for the agency's human resources and branch office employees.

In 2018, we converted the training for the staffing agency to a live, interactive format, so that all of the agency's branch offices could participate in the same training session. Best practices and answers to common questions are addressed in the training so that participants can see actual sample forms at their desktop computers and can post questions and participate in an organization-wide, live, online dialogue. These webinar sessions are taped and made available to the agency so that they can be used for further in-house training as new HR staff are hired. This method of webinar training is being introduced to more firm clients, as it helps ensure greater uniformity and consistency in the hiring, onboarding and recordkeeping practices for mutli-location companies.