Blog Post
June 21, 2022
Reiterating Focus on Dark Patterns: The FTC’s .com Disclosures Guidance is Getting a Refresh
TCAM Today Blog
First released in 2000 and updated in 2013, the FTC’s .com Disclosures guidance has been relied on by advertisers hoping to “make effective disclosures in digital advertising” for the last two decades. The FTC’s Leslie Fair recently explained that the guidance has grown a bit stale, especially in light of how quickly technology changes. In a June 3, 2022 blog post, Ms. Fair shared that the .com Disclosures document would be getting a “start to finish reboot, given the major changes in advertising tactics and techniques that marketers use.” In connection with this effort, the FTC issued an extensive Request for Information from the public, with all comments due to the FTC on or before August 2, 2022. Being aware that new guidance is likely coming sometime in 2023 is useful as a “save-the-date” and makes the advertising law nerds among us excited, but an update to the .com Disclosures also has practical implications.