April 30, 2021

Law360 Turns to Lindsey Hogan for Insight on Changes to Workers’ Rights Under Biden Administration

In the Law360 article “Biden’s First 100 Days See An About-Face On Workers’ Rights,” labor and employment partner Lindsey Hogan discussed changes to workers’ rights and federal contractors’ ability to provide implicit bias training under the Biden administration.

“I think that the administration has done a lot in the first 100 days to get things moving in the direction they said that they were going to take it, which is pro-worker,” said Hogan. “In terms of what can be achieved in 100 days, I think they are right on track with saying how they wanted this administration to approach workers’ rights.”

Hogan also noted that the Trump executive order had forced federal contractors to hold off on conducting implicit bias training, and Biden’s order effectively gave contractors “the ability to make their own decisions as to how they would structure their training” seminars.

“Every federal contractor wants to abide [by] the regulations and be in compliance, and I think the prior executive order from the prior administration was somewhat unsettling for a variety of reasons, one of which was [that] you haven’t really seen an administration try to set standards on training in such a way,” said Hogan.

Hogan added, “I think federal contractors are now feeling more confident that they can structure their own training in a way that meets their other requirements under the regulations to provide their employees with training on issues like discrimination and harassment on a periodic basis.”

The full article is available for Law360 subscribers.

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