TCPA Takes Center Stage at Supreme Court
ABA's Consumer Litigation Committee's Practice Points
Litigation partners Michael P. Daly and Mark D. Taticchi co-authored an article for the ABA’s Consumer Litigation Committee’s Practice Points titled “TCPA Takes Center Stage at Supreme Court.”
In their article, Daly and Taticchi highlight the Supreme Court’s decision to review Barr v. American Association of Political Consultants Inc. (Barr v. AAPC), a case that challenges the constitutionality of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The petition was filed by the federal government, and seeks review of the Fourth Circuit’s decision that the TCPA’s exemption for calls made to collect debt held by the federal government is a content-based regulation of speech that violates the First Amendment.
Daly and Taticchi discuss the broad implications of the upcoming case, as well as two similar petitions filed after the Court’s decision to review Barr v. AAPC.