November 11, 2020

No Longer a Remote Possibility: Best Practices for Remote Depositions in 2020 and Beyond

Financier Worldwide Magazine: December 2020 Issue

Business litigation partners Sandra Grannum and Tracey Salmon-Smith, and associate Jamie Helman published an article for Financier Worldwide Magazine titled “No longer a remote possibility: best practices for remote depositions in 2020 and beyond,” which addresses remote practices in the legal industry that they believe will outlive the pandemic. Among the practices mentioned are remote proceedings such as oral arguments before courts, mediations and depositions.

In their article, Grannum, Salmon-Smith and Helman discuss practical pointers for attorneys to consider for remote depositions. They break down technological and logistical planning attorneys need to prepare before counsel issues deposition notices and suggested protocols for the taking and defending of remote depositions for cases pending in Federal court.

They conclude that “the key to successfully conducting a remote deposition is being prepared not just for substance of taking and defending of the deposition, but also being prepared for the technological and logistical necessaries required to conduct such a deposition successfully.”

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