February 18, 2019

GPOs, IoT & More ASC Trends to Watch: Supply Chain Expert Neil Olderman Shares Key Insights

Neil Olderman, Chicago partner and President of Innovative Health Strategies, predicts Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) supply chain trends in a recent article for Becker’s ASC Review. In the article, Neil explains how ASCs will respond to the shift toward bundled payments and value-based care by focusing on supply chain efficiencies and personalized care.

He also looks to IBM as a potential model for GPOs and others (including device manufacturers) catering to ASCs, stating that “[W]hile obtaining a low price for products and services will always be a key component of a GPO's service to its members, we believe GPOs will try to differentiate themselves from each other, strengthen their retention of existing members, and take business from other GPOs by using consulting offerings to leverage the vast amount of real-time data they have available.” Another likely entrant into the consulting market will be the large device and implant manufacturers that have extensive analytic capabilities and knowledge of the supply chain for the provider market.

With respect to data, Neil predicts that security will take the forefront. In the age of the internet of things, “security is going to become a more significant component of supply-chain decision making,” says Neil, stressing the importance of the coordination between an ASC’s supply chain and IT department.

Read more about ASC supply chain trends to watch at Becker’s ASC.

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