October 30, 2017

Deal or No Deal? Increased Judicial Scrutiny of Class Action Settlements in the U.S.

Chicago litigation partner Bradley Andreozzi authored a chapter for the 2018 International Comparative Legal Guide to Class and Group Actions titled “Deal or No Deal? Increased Judicial Scrutiny of Class Action Settlements in the U.S.” The ICLG provides an overview of the law governing class and collective actions in nations around the world. In addition to the country-by-country chapters, the publisher invites a few practitioners each year to contribute opening “thought leadership” chapters exploring trends in the law. Brad’s The chapter explores the trend over the last few years of U.S. courts giving stricter scrutiny to class settlements, with Brad highlighting red flags that have led courts to reject settlements, and suggesting strategies to avoid these pitfalls. Brad also proposes an alternative model for how courts should review class action settlements.

Read the Chapter in the 2018 International Comparative Legal Guide to Class and Group Actions.

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