June 07, 2013

Jesse Linebaugh Featured in the Des Moines Register

Faegre Baker Daniels partner Jesse Linebaugh was featured in the Des Moines Register in their "People You Should Get to Know" series featuring business leaders in central Iowa. Linebaugh, a native of Ottumwa, Iowa, talked about a wide range of topics including his work in securities and financial services litigation and unique role assisting companies in responding to regulatory investigations while protecting them from civil litigation.

When asked why he chose the legal profession, Linebaugh said, "I despise losing. I genuinely enjoy being in the trenches and personally defending clients in legal and regulatory actions and ensuring that they are treated fairly and appropriately. It is the perfect profession for me." He added that fellow FaegreBD partner Terri Combs had been a great mentor to him on his return to Iowa five years ago after a stint at a Dallas law firm. "She is one of the best litigators in the country, and she has won large trials from New York to California," he said of Combs.

Jesse loves raising his family in Iowa and helping lead Raccoon Valley Little League and Latino Resources. However, he feels Iowa should return to having the best schools in the nation in order to better serve the state's youth and attract more residents.