November 11, 2013

Global Competition Review Reports on Favourable Outcome for Firm Client Keyfuels in Anti-Competitive Behaviour Investigation

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) in the UK has ended its three-year investigation of CH Jones concluding it has no grounds to take action against the company over alleged abuse of market dominance, Global Competition Review reports. The OFT investigated the petrol company following a complaint that CH Jones had been attempting to monopolize the diesel bunker card market, which is heavily used by lorry operators in the UK. CH Jones operates bunker fuel cards under the brand name Keyfuels, which is represented by Faegre Baker Daniels.

During its investigation, the OFT assessed the evidence and considered representations from CH Jones and the complainant. The OFT concluded there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate CH Jones' dominance in the market, resulting in the agency ending its investigation with a formal finding that there are no grounds to take action. Managing director at Keyfuels, Peter Bridgen, was pleased with the outcome. "At no point during this process did we believe we had committed any anti-competitive behav­iour," he said.

Keyfuels is represented by Faegre Baker Daniels partners Gary Laitner, Robert Campbell and Melanie Wadsworth in the firm's London office.

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