July 18, 2013

Michael Connelly to Chair United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2013 Fundraising Campaign

Alumnus and Catholic Health Partners president and CEO Michael Connelly and his wife, Sally, will chair the 2013 United Way of Greater Cincinnati annual fundraising campaign.

The campaign officially kicks off at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 28, with an annual goal of $61.05 million. Reaching out to companies that currently are not running annual donation efforts and attempting to increase the number of leadership givers of $2,500 or more are among the campaign's plans. There will be a dollar-for-dollar match for the gifts of all new donors.

Michael has served as President and CEO, Catholic Health Partners since 1995. Prior to joining Catholic Health Partners, he was a regional executive/CEO of Daughters of Charity National Health System, which is based in Los Altos Hills, California and also served as President and CEO of St. Joseph Hospital in Chicago. Michael practiced law at Gardner, Carton and Douglas (nka Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP) until 1987.

Michael has served as the Chair of the Board for Premier, Inc. and Chair of the Catholic Health Association, as Vice Chair of Catholic Healthcare West and on the boards of St. Joseph Health System in California and Resurrection Health Care in Chicago. He is currently the Chair of Catholic Medical Mission Board in New York City and on the Urban League Board of Greater Cincinnati.

You can read more about Michael and the United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2013 Fundraising Campaign here.