June 05, 2009

Libby Baney to Speak on Modernization of Federal Regulatory System

Washington, D.C. (05-June-2009) — Libby Baney, an advisor at B&D Consulting, will speak at the Risk and Insurance Management Society's (RIMS) Annual Meeting, "RIMS on the Hill," on June 8, 2009.

Baney will serve as a panelist in a discussion titled "Modernization of the Federal Regulatory System – Will Insurance be Regulated at the Federal Level?" The discussion will focus on the prospects for congressional passage of comprehensive legislation to address the federal financial crisis following market turmoil. Baney's role and experience as a professional with the firm's insurance and financial services team well positions her to speak on these timely and evolving issues.

Matters to be explored include whether there will be a systemic risk regulator, whether insurance will be regulated at the federal level and to what extent it could be regulated. Emphasis will be placed on the policy arguments surrounding surplus lines, the optional federal charter or creating an office of insurance information.

The discussion will be moderated by Janet Kerr, Vice Chair of RIMS' External Affairs Committee. Baney's fellow panelists will include J. Kevin McKechnie, Executive Director, American Bankers Insurance Association and Staff Director of the ABA's HSA Council; and Tracey Laws, Senior Vice President and General Counsel to the Reinsurance Association of America.

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