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June 13, 2018

Better Information Governance Means Better E-Discovery Outcomes—Part III: Practical Approaches to IG

Washington, D.C., associates Yodi Hailemariam and Amy Marcos co-authored an article for Corporate Counsel titled “Better Information Governance Means Better E-Discovery Outcomes—Part III: Practical Approaches to IG.” The article is the third in a three-part series.

Yodi and Amy discuss practical approaches to establishing an information governance framework, including identifying the key stakeholders who play a central role in managing information and building and maintaining strategic alliances. Yodi and Amy also examine three IG projects that benefit e-discovery, including conducting data remediation and establishing litigation response protocols and electronically stored information (ESI) protocols.

Read “Better Information Governance Means Better E-Discovery Outcomes—Part III: Practical Approaches to IG.”

Full Article

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