Alumni Spotlight: Helen Chacon

Name: Helen Chacon
Title: Senior Counsel — Mercury
Firm Background: Summer Associate, 2012; Associate and Partner, 2013 – 2022; Intellectual Property, Silicon Valley
What have you been doing since departing the firm?
I’ve been building the litigation function at Mercury as well as advising all areas of the business on strategy from a litigation point of view.
What is the most challenging and/or most rewarding part of your work?
Making tricky decisions with imperfect information and owning it. It makes the job exciting but sometimes it feels like jumping out of a plane and hoping the parachute opens!
What is your fondest memory/best experience/what do you miss about Faegre Drinker?
I miss the laughs. My colleagues were (still are!) some of the wittiest and funniest people I know.
What would you change about the legal industry if you could?
I would get rid of billable hours (carve it on my tombstone).
What are you reading/watching/listening to right now?
“Thinking in Bets” by Annie Duke. It’s a book by a former professional poker player turned decision strategist. She uses poker principles to teach people how to get comfortable making decisions when you have imperfect information (very helpful given my experience in-house).
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I’m still a huge fan of live music and have reacquainted myself with the lost art of actually seeing a movie in the theater.
What’s next for you personally or professionally?
I really enjoyed the opportunities for public speaking at Faegre (whether for a case or business development). Moving in-house shifted that to the background, but I am now making moves to incorporate more public speaking opportunities into my role.