Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
March 13, 2019

Lisa Warren, former In-House Counsel at Johnson & Johnson, Offers Insights to Products Liability Attorneys and Staff

Drinker Biddle’s Florham Park office was the host of a lunch and learn videoconference, broadcast to six of the firm’s offices, on March 13. The group welcomed Lisa Warren, recently retired assistant General Counsel at Johnson & Johnson and longtime Drinker Biddle client, who shared her insights on expectations of law firm associates from the corporate counsel perspective.

Ms. Warren spent more than 30 years of her distinguished legal career with J&J, overseeing products liability and employment litigation for many of the company’s subsidiaries, including pharmaceutical, consumer, and medical device companies.

Following opening remarks by Florham Park partner Tom Campion, Ms. Warren addressed the group, primarily associate attorneys, discussing core principles and best practices that define outstanding legal service to corporate clients, and emphasizing responsiveness, building balanced relationships, communicating effectively and appropriately, and managing the business with an absence of surprises.

Ms. Warren also offered career-building advice and insights on what corporate clients look for in awarding business to outside counsel. Lunch, informal conversation, and Q&A followed the presentation.