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May 1, 2016

Justin Kay Quoted in Reuters on TCPA Class Actions Filed Against Trump Campaign

Chicago partner Justin Kay was referenced in a Reuters article titled, “Trump campaign hit with two TCPA class actions over 'junk' texts.”

Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign was hit with two separate TCPA class action suits, which allege that the campaign sent unsolicited robotexts in March. Justin commented on the increased filings of TCPA class actions, as well as the historical nature of these particular suits, which represent the first TCPA cases filed against a presidential campaign during the election cycle.

Justin told Reuters that the Trump class actions are the first TCPA cases against a presidential campaign in this election cycle—but not the first-ever TCPA class actions against a presidential candidate's operation. It took President Obama's reelection campaign two years to dispose of a TCPA case based on allegedly unsolicited cellphone calls, a suit that finally ended when the Obama campaign defeated class certification in federal court in Tampa in 2015.