Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
June 10, 2015

Drinker Biddle Hosts Washington D.C. Worldwide Women In IP Networking Event

Drinker Biddle hosted the eighth annual Women in IP Networking Event on Thursday, May 21, 2015, with 54 women in attendance from the Copyright Office, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Court of Claims, and various firms. Most notably, Mary Dennison, Commissioner of the U.S. Trademark Office, attended. Partner at Drinker Biddle, Mercedes Meyer, helped found the event when she was Chair of the Women in IP Committee of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) more than eight years ago.

The event has gone international since its start and was held this year in Europe, South America, Canada, Singapore and India, as well as in numerous U.S. cities, leading to more than 1000 IP professional women getting together at the same time.

Drinker Biddle made a strong showing with partners Mercedes Meyer, Jennifer Dean, Amy Carroll and Maureen Hardwick in attendance, as well as Mita Lakhia, Jessica Ryou, Debora Plehn-Dujowich, and Bronwen Loeb. There was a full sit-down dinner at the Drinker Biddle Washington, D.C. office, as well as a speaker, Dr. Myra McCormack of Johnson & Johnson. Dr. McCormack is one of the three co-heads of the Pharma IP group at J&J and in charge of Jannsen. She also helps teach meditation and mindfulness and the scientific benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation.

Following the event, Commissioner Denison commented, “Just wanted to thank you for including me in the very fun dinner last week. I met lots of interesting women, got lots of great feedback from users, thought the food was fabulous, and LOVED the meditation lesson. Great job.”