Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
October 29, 2015

Honoring the Best Law Firms for Women

Faegre Baker Daniels celebrated its selection as one of the 2015 50 Best Law Firms for Women by attending the Best Law Firms for Women Awards Luncheon and Career Accelerator Summit on October 29. During the luncheon, Management Board member Kathy Noecker accepted the award on behalf of the firm.

The luncheon included a keynote by Sara Laschever, author of Cultural Critic, on negotiating effectively at work. The morning summit featured a panel on "Risk, Failure & Success," which discussed how to confront fears of career risk and included personal success stories.

In addition to Kathy Noecker, FaegreBD was represented by Colby Kingsbury, Karin Johnson, Mike Kanute and Mindy Finnegan.

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