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September 28, 2014

Drinker Biddle Welcomes Class of 2014 Associates

We are pleased to welcome our newest colleagues today, September 29, 2014, as they begin their careers with Drinker Biddle & Reath. The arrival of the Class of 2014 also marks the continuation of our First Year Associate Development Program, a sign of the firm’s continuing commitment to excellence in training its lawyers and to the delivery of outstanding client service.

Our new colleagues are based in five of our offices and spread among eight of our practice groups. The firm is committed to providing the best opportunities for our young lawyers and to ensuring that we continue to be the kind of institution that attracted them here in the first place. Long before we or any of our colleagues came to this firm — indeed, long before any of us was born — the lawyers of this firm were proud of the institution to which they belonged. We still are. And we expect our newest colleagues will be too.

Here is the roster of our new talent, along with their practice group assignments:

Emily Albertson, Corporate & Securities
Isabelle Kountz, General Practice
Jessica Ryou, Intellectual Property
Brent Whitlock, Intellectual Property

Los Angeles
Katie Jackson, Commercial Litigation
Jessica Medina, Commercial Litigation

Carey Bell, Investment Management
Steven Brogan, Life Insurance & Annuities
Tarik Brooks, Corporate & Securities
Daniel Hunt, Corporate & Securities
Kaili Janus, Corporate & Securities
Megan Lyons, Real Estate
Lucas Michelen, Commercial Litigation
Caitlin Munley, Commercial Litigation
Jenna Poligo, Commercial Litigation
Charles Vargo, Corporate & Securities
John Yi, Commercial Litigation

San Francisco
Marshall Baker, Commercial Litigation
Ashley Hoffmann, Products Liability

Washington, D.C.
Kristin Laubach, Health Care
Leslie Roter, Commercial Litigation
Patrick Thompson, General Practice