Jesse Witten Quoted in the Washington Business Journal
Washington, D.C. partner Jesse A. Witten was quoted in an article titled, “3 Things Employers Need to Know about Tuesday’s Obamacare Rulings,” originally published in the Washington Business Journal.
In the midst of dueling federal court decisions recently released on whether the federal government can give subsidies for health care in states without state-run exchanges under the Affordable Care Act, health care law practitioners weighed in on what employers in the District, Virginia and Maryland should know about the rulings.
The rulings could ultimately invalidate employer mandate in states like Virginia because it could ultimately invalidate penalties triggered against employers when full-time employees purchase coverage through public exchanges and qualify for subsidies. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals based in Richmond ruled the Affordable Care Act is ambiguous on the subsidies, giving the IRS more leeway to interpret who the subsidies can go to. Since Virginia is in the Fourth Circuit's jurisdiction, Jesse said not to expect much to change for now.
To read the entire article, click here.