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June 01, 2014

Drinker Biddle Announces PTAB Trial Blog

Drinker Biddle is proud to announce the launch of the PTAB Trial Blog, which will provide frequent updates, insightful commentary and useful practice tips for those interested in post-grant trials before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Contributors to the blog include Drinker Biddle lawyers John Smith, Christopher Bruenjes, Nick Colic and Brianna Silverstein.

The PTAB is now the third most active patent litigation forum in the United States, behind only the U.S. District Courts for the Eastern District of Texas and Delaware. At the time the America Invents Act was signed into law, many predicted that the new post-grant challenges that it created – Inter Partes Review, Covered Business Methods, and Post-Grant Review – would significantly alter U.S. patent practice. Few foresaw just how dramatic this impact would turn out to be. Incredibly, these new post-grant challenges are now instituted so frequently that the PTAB has become one of the most popular forums for patent validity litigation within the United States.

Visit the site here and follow us for breaking news and important insights from the PTAB.