Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
April 29, 2014

FaegreBD Ranked in BTI Brand Elite 2014 for Client Service and Value

The BTI Consulting Group ranked Faegre Baker Daniels most highly among new additions to the BTI Brand Elite 2014 list. The more-than 300 corporate counsel surveyed ranked FaegreBD 11th among the 26 best-branded law firms.

BTI's research is based on corporate counsel feedback. Corporate counsel were surveyed for their insight on how firm brands perform based on nine brand-defining differentiators including innovation, client service and value. FaegreBD was recognized specifically for investing in client relationships and demonstrating a clear understanding of clients' business goals and objectives.

In addition, FaegreBD was ranked in the top five firms noted as "Value Leaders," which were lauded for making changes in the client experience to add value. The firm was also included in a list of 12 firms that general counsel most frequently recommend to peers and short-list for important work.

In March 2014, the firm was also ranked 16th of 650 law firms serving Fortune 1000 clients for having the best client relationships – earning FaegreBD a spot on the BTI Power Elite.