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July 07, 2013

What We're Reading: So You Think You Know Baseball? A Fan's Guide to the Official Rules

Alumnus Peter E. Meltzer was an associate in the Philadelphia office from 1987 to 1993.

In his recently published book, "So You Think You Know Baseball? A Fan's Guide to the Official Rules," Peter catalogues every noteworthy baseball rule from the Major League rulebook and illustrates its application with actual plays from the historical to the contemporary.

You can read the book from start to finish or consult it while watching a game to understand the mechanics of a play or how it should be scored. Hundreds of Major League plays involving both on the field situations and plays with an official scorer are used to analyze the Official Baseball Rules.

The book includes a foreword by baseball rules expert Rich Marazzi and is the first book to analyze the entire rulebook in this fashion based on actual plays.

Read the latest review in the Sunday, June 30th edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer here and USA Today's five weekly installments here.

To read more, including an excerpt from the book, click here.