Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
July 22, 2013

Drinker Biddle Named Top Illinois Law Firm for LGBT Equality

Drinker Biddle was named a top Illinois law firm for LGBT inclusiveness and equality, based on the results of the Equality Illinois 2013 Law Firm Survey. Equality Illinois recognizes the top Illinois law firms that promote inclusiveness and equality for LGBT lawyers and staff.

Equality Illinois said the top firms were set apart by numerous showings of dedication to LGBT inclusion, having taken many of the necessary steps to ensure a welcoming and equal environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender attorneys and support staff.

The firm will be recognized in a dedicated publication, “Raising the Bar: Law Firms Leading the Way to LGBT Equality,” which will highlight top firms, publicize the survey findings, and include recommendations for firms seeking to increase their workplace diversity and equality.